Fiverr is an online marketplace to hire freelancers from around the world. It offers a platform where businesses and freelancers can gather to buy and sell ...
small businesses
Zenchat: A team messenger with built-in task management
Group chat and task management are not a whole different ball game, but both take different mediums and modes of communication; thus can't be put inside a ...
5 Tips for Starting a Small Business
Many people dream of starting their own business, but only a few manage to follow through on that dream and turn it into a success. In fact, according to the ...
5 ways to build a sustainable future for your business
A sustainable company is the one whose purpose and actions are equally grounded in financial, environmental, and social concerns.Many companies have started ...
Simple steps to building your online reputation
Small business owners and Amazon’s fight to protect them
Amazon is in the news again, and this time for all the good reasons. Amazon is promoting small business owners, by launching an online shop portal called ...