Fiverr is an online marketplace to hire freelancers from around the world. It offers a platform where businesses and freelancers can gather to buy and sell their services, respectively. The website offers a variety of freelance services from writing, translation, marketing to logo designing, video editing, and programming.
Starting at a $64 million valuation, the company was valued at $401 million in 2019 and has now crossed $3 billion in July 2020.
And with the 2020 pandemic still ongoing, online marketplaces like Fiverr continue to grow in terms of quantity and quality of their services.
How can Fiverr help you scale your eCommerce business, you ask? The answer to that lies in all the ingredients that go into making a successful eCommerce store. Think about it — what small pieces will lead to a business that will generate profit?
There’s a popular saying in the internet world — Content is King.
Because without valuable content, no one is going to have a clue about the existence of your business. To have well-aligned content, you’re going to need Content Writers, Content Strategists, and Content Marketers.
We all know that Fiverr is an excellent help if you want to improve your small online business. It is an online marketplace where you can hire freelancers to generate revenue using their skills.
But how?
In this article, you’ll get to know how Fiverr can help you scale your eCommerce business and how you can use the knowledge and flexibility of freelancers to form your success online.
1. Have a good plan
Planning is much more important in the success of a business than one realizes. Having a good plan is almost half of your work. However, you can have an excellent idea, but you can’t have profitable results if you don’t know how to present it.
If you don’t know how to start properly, hiring a freelancer can be more effective than hiring a company. You can afford a professional by hiring him for a specific time and have flexible support in perfecting your idea into a realistic plan.
Without planning to start a business, it is not possible to get the required results. You can think about it as a mission with a specific goal and activities that will enable you to achieve it. Therefore, a professional can be of great help in building it from scratch.
2. Be different than the competition
The first step is to do research on the market and find the competition. Even though you can conduct your private research, why not asking someone experienced to help you? Freelancers from Fiverr can advise you what to search for and which specter of the market you should concentrate on. Creative freelancers know the best how to help you stand out from the competition and make you interesting for investors or consumers. It is also cheaper for you to invest in something experienced than starting from the bottom and trying more strategies to see which will work.
3. Create valuable content
Content is King.
It is a popular saying in the world of the internet. And the phrase is not without its merits.
The content of your website is the backbone of your online business. It’s how people come to know about your company’s existence — it’s the first point of content between your company and your prospect. And contrary to popular belief, Content is not just limited to your blogs. Content encompasses all the material that your website will comprise of.
From videos and images to texts and infographics, everything that communicates about the value of your products to a consumer is termed as Content.
And to make sure that you have killer content that converts your customers, you will need the best of Content Strategists. And I am talking about people with a real-world understanding of user psychology, creativity, and a knack for words. Not people that just spring together a bunch of words.
Through Fiverr, you can hire the best of Content Strategists or Creators. And the best part? You don’t have to stay limited to just your area — you can go truly global and hire for the most competitive market price.
4. Marketing strategy is crucial
If you think that a one-man business doesn’t need an aggressive marketing strategy, you are wrong. Sometimes, it seems like it is easy to advertise with so many tools and apps helping you get in touch with consumers, but they have complicated algorithms that don’t work as you expected. Also, you have to cover many channels of communication, which requires time and creativity, but also constant tracking and upgrading. It can be a very flexible job that can be done at any time, so having a freelancer to help you is a great idea. Sometimes you won’t have any job to do about it, but sometimes you will need full support. That is another reason why Fiverr is excellent – you don’t have to pay overpriced agencies to have a solid and realistic marketing strategy.
5. Design your brand
Designing your brand is a complicated job that needs to connect your story, logo, and graphic design. Is one person enough for this entire job? Sometimes isn’t. If you don’t want any famous name to overshadow your work, you can hire a ghostwriter to write an interesting story for you. When you need contact with the press to release your story, you can hire another freelancer who is experienced in that area and will provide maximum quality press release. Freelancers like business bloggers and guest posters are also ideal for boosting your content, so you don’t have to do it. The same goes for the graphic designers who can cooperate with you and present your logo or postcard to match your brand. When you don’t need their support, you can easily terminate cooperation.
6. Grow your business with the web design
Leland Dieno, in his book, Face the Book with Your Small Business, said,
“Your website is the center of your digital ecosystem, like a brick and mortar location, the experience matters once a customer enters, just as much as the perception, they have of you before they walk through the door.”
The words couldn’t have been more true.
After a prospect encounters your content on a blog or some social media site, you’ll want them to end up at your landing page, where they’ll hopefully do what you want them to-be it buys your product, enters their details, etc.
To get them to take this step, you’ll need a web design that provides a seamless browsing experience to the user. This will require that you hire a pro-front-end developer.
This is Internet 4.0. You don’t want your website to take ages to load. To ensure that, you’ll need a solid back-end infrastructure. This is where back-end engineers come in.
Through Fiverr, you’ll be able to hire the best web development talent out there at your whim.
7. SEO makeover
If the content is king, then SEO is the Wazir of your online business.
Make no mistakes. SEO is not dead, and it is going to stay that way for a very foreseeable future.
Without optimizing your content and website for search engine results, you might have the most wonderful content in the world, but what’s the point if no one is going to find it?
To make sure that your killer content ranks in the search engine and then drive conversions, hire the best SEO freelancers out there.
8. Logo design
Logos are not just some fancy expense that only the creators themselves are obsessed with.
Saul Bass once said,
“Logos are the graphic extension of the internal realities of a company.”
A logo is something that defines what your company stands for. It creates an image in the mind of a consumer.
9. Be aware of social media
Social media is a powerful tool that can show your product to the world, but this also requires professional content and can be a time-consuming job. Having a professional that is informed about social networks will help you through this important step. They can adjust your campaign to be interesting for more social consumers since it is a big difference between Facebook and Instagram consumers. Also, many of them have access to paid tools and apps, saving you more money.
10. Have a good investment
When you reach a certain point in your business making, having a good investment can help you develop further and achieve more successful results. But first, you have to present your work to potential investors. Since you can’t know too many of them, Fiverr can help you connect with people that share your interest and may be interested in investing in your business.
11. Have a proper legal background
Legal advice usually costs high that you have to cover, and many smaller businesses usually don’t have the funds to form a legal team. Finding the right advice for your problems and getting a proper legal solution has never been easier with access to legal freelancers specialized in many areas and markets.
12. Present product in the right way
When you have a final product, you have to present it in the right way, which means using the right channel and style. First, you have to be careful about how do you present it and revise its description. Professional freelancers can help you in that project to describe your product to be likable to the public but to stay loyal and truthful. Also, it mustn’t send any wrong information that can make consumers doubting or be dissatisfied with the final product once they get it. It can be a one-time job for a freelancer but can save you time in the process of making and later in the future.
13. Connect with consumers
To connect with consumers isn’t just leaving your mail address. You have to find solutions to how people can keep in touch with your work. Finding a list of loyal customers is a time-consuming job with a lot of searching. These tasks can be solved easier with a virtual assistant who can help you at any time you need them and plan your activities online. They can help you engage customers or create a list of loyal subscribers that will help spread the good word about your product.
14. Keep on track easily
Keeping on track is also a very stressful process that requires good time management and tracking responsibility. From year to year, industries and markets are changing, so it is a good idea to stay in touch with it and review your plan and goal. Sometimes, you will have to adapt, but some freelancers can help you rewrite your plan and predict strengths or weakens. This can also save you time and money in the future and give you a look from another and objective perspective.
15. Adapt to more
This means to find a good balance and style on each channel you use. It is different to communicate via LinkedIn or Instagram, but you often won’t have time to research all those areas. So, hiring a professional to help you with communication and adaption can mean a lot. Sometimes it will require to adapt your website for mobile users, and sometimes it is just to change the style of writing. All in all, thanks to experienced freelancers, you can have it whenever you want!
16. Have a professional relation
One thing you have to remember is to use a professional tone. Sometimes, you can be insulted by someone’s review of your product and can react subjectively and inappropriately, and this can do you harm. So, freelancers can help you keep professionalism with consumers and even in business communication. This is a good opportunity to learn from someone experienced and have a solid base for further communication.
17. Communication is key
Communication with consumers is important to have good feedback and solve problems easily. To have good communication, you have to form a channel or chat where they can ask you when they want to and what they want. It is ideal to have the support of a freelancer who will help you answer the questions when you don’t have time and track some feedback to give you a final report.
18. Educate and maintain the goal
Fiverr is very helpful to educate you on many tasks you will have to front with in the future. It can teach you to host a webinar and teach your employers or consumers about your work and mission. Also, it can provide you with many useful materials that can be crucial in your work. All in all, it can be helpful to have quick and useful help when you want it, and that is specified in your field rather than time-consuming and general education. Having someone to answer your question in real-time is more useful than waiting for an answer. Also, this can help you maintain your goal and build your confidence for big success.
Building a business from an idea is usually a very hard and time-consuming work that needs knowledge and experience in many fields. Sometimes, you won’t have enough funds to finance all your needs, but doing it on your hand can be a mistake. That’s why Fiverr can help you connect with freelancers who are ready to help you in establishing your brand for as long as you need them.
So, to have a successful eCommerce business, you’ll need to make sure that all your channels are perfectly aligned and provide a seamless user experience.
You’ll need to ensure these key features:
- All of your marketing channels are optimized.
- Branding and logos are taken care of.
- Web design, Front-end, and Back-end
Through Fiverr, you can hire from the largest freelancer pool anywhere in the world.
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