NewTech21 fully understands and complies with the ethical code of journalism. Keeping in mind the responsibility mainstream media entails, NewTech21 has adopted the following principles:
We have no tolerance for duplicate or plagiarized content of any sort. Our writers are constantly striving to come up with original content without tampering the news or information in any way.
Our content is free from every type of bias. When writing, we put our personal bias aside and make sure that the content is neutral (except our opinion section where writers are encouraged otherwise) so that the reader does not feel manipulated in any way. Also, read our reviews policy.
Truthfulness and Accuracy
At NewTech21, there is no such thing as ‘fake’ or ‘made up’ news. We use credible sources as a resource and make sure that they are given due credit where necessary.
As our tagline suggests, “Engage yourself with technology“; we are a team of individuals who are working to keep people informed about the trends and happenings of tech around the globe. We fully take responsibility of our words and assure the readers that our content is not offensive or discriminatory towards any segment of the society.
We write to benefit the readers. Our readers always come first. Your feedback and criticism matter. Errors and inaccuracies, if found, must be reported.