Apple has recently launched its new iPad Pro, redesigned iMacs and other company products at its “Spring loaded” event. Now, Apple has also started to roll out ...
Top 10 best virtual assistants 2023
With everything at our fingertips quite literally, we do get tired of always having to type, be it a message, dialing a number, or operating an app. Virtual ...
10 ways AI helps humans move into higher positions
We’ve had AI for quite a while now, and while it may already be ubiquitous in our current technology (Alexa, anyone?), most of us are not really aware of how it ...
Apple announces new AirPods with voice controls and wireless charging
Apple's AirPods were a major industry game-changer. They completely changed the way Bluetooth earphones could be used. By going for a completely compact design ...
Apple bought PullString: The AI for voice apps
On Friday, a report by Axios revealed that Apple has purchased the AI company PullString. When PullString (also known as ToyTalk) started in 2011, its main ...
The best iOS 12 features that you won’t wish to miss
Autofill for SMS two-factor codes is just one of them Apple was quick to announce the upcoming features in iOS 12 as the WWDC 2018 Conference started. The ...
Apple HomeKit: Why so low-profile?
Get to know why the technology remained least-known despite launching before the competitors Apple HomeKit software was introduced four years back in WWDC ...