After observing the severe consequences recently faced by social network Gab, Facebook has taken an initiative to block Proud Boys and all the individual accounts, pages and groups which are directly or indirectly linked with far-right Proud Boys, the extremist group who showed an act of violence in New-York city at the time of the protest.
It is reported that during the protest members of far-right group battered anti-fascist protestors in Manhattan outside the Republican club. Gavin McInnes, the founder of far-right Proud Boys group and co-founder of Vice media, has fully supported the members in this matter.
Facebook has confirmed the suspension of Proud Boys and all the affiliated individual accounts, groups, and pages, to abide by its official terms and conditions.
Facebook has deactivated the Mclnnes personal page. Also, the other high-profile supporters would be no longer entertained with Facebook services.
“Our team continues to study trends in organized hate and hate speech and works with partners to better understand hate organizations as they evolve,” Facebook spokesperson mentioned in his statement.
“We ban these organizations and individuals from our platforms and also remove all praise and support when we become aware of it. We will continue to review content, Pages, and people that violate our policies, take action against hate speech and hate organizations to help keep our community safe.” He added.
Facebook is quoting ‘hate speech and violence’ to be the primary reason behind blocking pages, groups and individual accounts from its platform.
Also read: Gab blocked by Paypal
The Proud Boys group was founded in 2016 as a modern-world street gang to attract the community, Mclnnes took leverage of other fringe political party affairs on the internet to promote racism. The group is notorious for its violent behaviors against protestors of Donald Trump too. The Southern poverty law center categorized Proud Boys as a hate group. Also, after a recent attack in New York, various Proud Boy members are being arrested by the city police.
The world is becoming intolerant, what do you think?
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