A few more weeks and WhatsApp will not work on these phones. The company shared an updated list on their FAQ page mentioning that phones running these operating systems will no longer get WhatsApp support or update starting the 1st of February 2020.
These smartphones will no longer be able to verify new or existing accounts. WhatsApp will no longer support iPhone running iOS 7 or older and the Android smartphones that are running 2.3.7 or earlier. The company also ended support for Windows phone in December 2019. The FAQ page says,
“Because we no longer actively develop for these operating systems, some features might stop functioning at any time.”
The updated FAQ also lists OS’ that the app will support. The app now supports Android phones running Android 4.0.3+ and iPhone running iOS 9+, including select phones running KaiOS 2.5.1+, including JioPhone and JioPhone 2.
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