As the world continues to become ever more connected and now that we are increasingly communicating more through the internet, the need for privacy and masking ...
Tips for Staying Safe while Browsing the Internet
It is no secret that the internet can be a dangerous place. With so much information – and misinformation – floating around, it is easy to get lost in the sea ...
What is a VPN, and how does it work?
Close your eyes, and imagine what your life would look like without the internet. The world without Netflix, Uber, Amazon, Wikipedia, and so many, many more. Is ...
8 Best Paid VPNs for 2023
It has never been more critical to ensure your privacy and security when browsing the web, especially now, as many of us work remotely from home. Users demand ...
How does a VPN protect user privacy and anonymity?
In the present day, privacy and anonymity are almost non-existent. This is because the internet has taken virtually all aspects of our lives online, and ISPs, ...
Stop believing these 3 common myths about VPNs
A lot of misinformation is bandied about VPNs. Some of it is deliberately seeded to give you bad advice. Yes, we are serious. Who is the guilty party, you ask? ...
VPS Uses: 6 Things You Can Do With a VPS
When companies or individuals don't have their servers, the best solution is to use someone else's. To that end, many choices can be used to cover the need for ...