Following your passion brings out the best in you. If you are following your dream and living a life you are satisfied with, it will reshape your personality as a whole. This new change in your personality which came because you are happy is not something others could experience.
To me, a name without identity is a waste of life. By identity, I mean the personality that makes you who you are.
Being Passionate ultimately paves the way for you to become an ideal personality. There are almost 3 billion people globally employed. According to research conducted by Gallup, 87% of employees are not actively engaged, which means only 13% of the total world employment force is happily performing their jobs.
In the above-mentioned context, there can be numerous reasons for it, but I think the primary reason for most people is that they are not professionally pursuing their passion. Identifying your Passion is completely different from making your passion the profession.
Identifying your passion
- Most people think that their hobby is their passion. But this is not the case. Hobby is something people do to pass time and may not necessarily translate into their passion. Yes, one’s hobby can become one’s passion but that too by sheer determination and commitment.
- People following their passion have freedom of time and space. For instance, they will never be worried about spending more time doing things they love to do and are not bound by any circumstances whatsoever.
- Although money solely, does not have a role in shaping one’s personality it does lead to internal satisfaction and happiness as a whole.
- Passionate people never get tired. For instance, Michelangelo, an Italian sculpture and painter of the 15th century, considered as one of the greatest artists of his lifetime, used to work for days on his masterpieces without getting tired.
In order to identify one’s actual passion, the points above play a vital role.
Converting your passion into a profession
- In order to convert one’s passion into their profession and the profession being something that is more progressive and resourceful, there is a consistency in the efforts required.
- If your passion is solving a problem in the society, you can enjoy great success out of it. For instance, Mark Zuckerburg initially developed ”Facemash” for Harvard University. But later on, he realized how a platform of such nature working for a wider market could be beneficial for the entire society and resulted in a mega social media network known as Facebook.
- Getting the best out of your passion is an art. Many passionate people think that their passion is not worthy enough to opt as a profession. For instance, to many people being a chef does not sound that impressive. But is it entirely true? Let’s quote an example of a very famous Indian chef, Sanjeev Kapoor, one of the greatest chefs in India. In his early childhood, he developed the passion for cooking while watching her mother teaching it to his sister. His inclination towards cooking became his passion. He turned his passion into his profession and became a millionaire. His cooking so is globally popular and is broadcasted in more than 120 countries.
So here is a piece of advice for almost 2.6 billion unhappy employees of the world; strive hard, first to identify your passions and then to convert them into a profession.
appreciated.. true representation of 2.6 Billion minds.