In an unexpected move, Samsung has decided to hold yet another Galaxy Unpacked event 2021, which will be streamed live on Samsung’s official YouTube channel. The company has just announced the date of 17th March for its second event of the year. On Tuesday, the company sent invitations for an Unpacked event set for 7 a.m. PT where it’s expected to showcase the Samsung Galaxy A series of low-cost phones.
“Bringing Awesome to everyone” is how Samsung described its upcoming Unpacked event.
It has been only three months when, in mid-January, Samsung has released its flagship phones, including Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21 Plus, Galaxy S21 Ultra. All devices had 5G capabilities, and they started at $800. Last year marked the first time Samsung introduced its complete Galaxy A lineup in the US, even though the company has been offering Galaxy A phones internationally for a while.
Samsung’s security update page shows the A52 5G appears in its monthly update cycle. Hence, there is a good chance that the A52 5G will receive monthly security updates, the feature that Samsung usually reserves these for its higher-end phones. Leaked specifications indicate we can expect high-refresh-rate screens and optical image stabilization in the main camera, as per speculations.
The Galaxy A models, Samsung’s new lineup, will likely cost less than Samsung’s 5G models. The shift to lower-priced devices was very significant a few years ago, as Apple and Samsung set the standard price for high-end smartphones at $1,000.
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