Apple has announced its virtual event to unveil the upcoming new iPhone 13. However, there’s more than enough information available about the upcoming iPhone. Another leak says that the iPhone 13 will reportedly be the first iPhone ever with a whopping 1TB of storage.
A new investor report from analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claims that the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max will offer a 1TB storage option only days before Apple’s California Streaming event on September 14th. In addition, the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 mini will offer storage options of 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB, but no 64GB option, according to Kuo.
Kuo also stated that he expects Apple to introduce the AirPods 3 during Tuesday’s event, but the AirPods 2 will likely remain available. He warns that there could be supply chain shortages of iPhone 13, as previously reported, which could affect sales.
Apple’s fall event will begin at 1 p.m. ET on September 14th and will be streamed from Apple Park.
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