A team led by researchers from Radboud University in The Netherlands has reported that concentrations of pharmaceuticals in freshwater sources around the world ...
Can telehealth be convenient and compassionate?
By now we all know that earlier this month a man in California was informed he was dying via a robot. Early headlines had people (at least the ones who only ...
Is the new “ketamine nasal spray” for depression worth the headline hype?
First of all, let's get something straight: patients are not getting a prescription to spray ketamine up their noses.Ketamine is a controlled substance used ...
Is the NIH trying to discourage collaboration between U.S. and Chinese researchers?
According to a report in the journal Science, Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, sent a letter to 10,000 U.S.-based research ...
You can’t catch up on lost sleep, new study says
Many of us look to the weekends or vacations days to catch up on lost sleep. And while it may feel nice to get in those extra hours and not have to worry about ...
Chronic pain patients using Pinterest to cope with symptoms
When it comes to using the Internet or social media to cope with medical conditions, Pinterest isn't the first platform that comes to mind. But new research ...
Superbug genes found in the (formerly) last pristine place on Earth
Well, so much for the idea of a place on Earth untouched by bad human decisions.Antibiotic-resistant genes (ARGs), the result of overzealous prescription of ...
Study shows Facebook users are happier if they quit the social network for a month
In somewhat surprising, but not totally unexpected, news it looks like quitting Facebook for a month makes people happier. This is according to new research out ...
Time spent in front of screens hinders child development
Researchers found that children aged 2-5 years old who spent more time in front of screens fared worse in child development screening tests in a new study that ...
Reduce digital eye strain with these blue-blocking glasses
If you're anything like me, you spend the majority of your day staring at a screen. In fact, with each passing year, the average amount of time a person spends ...
Will all this new med tech compromise our privacy?
CES 2019 gave us a peek into the future of medicine as vendors showcasing everything from new phone apps designed to help diagnose disease to digital in-home ...
Telemedicine can increase patient satisfaction
Telemedicine will play an integral role in the future of medical care, especially for non-life-threatening conditions. Talking to a medical practitioner via ...
Moderna biotech company in review
With new technological innovations springing up every other day, it is intriguing to find one that impacts us directly or has the potential to revolutionize our ...
Biotechnology 2018 trends that are a complete knockout
This year turned out to be one of the most happening years in the field of healthcare. As expected, thanks to Biotechnology for this. Some innovations got a ...
Revolutionizing Healthcare Management; Virtual Nurse
Telenurse is a branch of telehealth. Telehealth is virtual and comprises indirect visits between patients and clinicians via communications median technology. ...