They say exercise is the best medicine. Sports help keep the muscles in shape. They help preserve the stable level of body fat and cholesterol.A study has ...
The cool use of contact lenses
Diabetes is a chronic health condition, which affects almost every organ of the body. Good diabetic control depends on proper management. Management of the ...
NO to Needles!
Needle-free injections enclose a wide range of drug delivery. It passes through the skin with the help of a force such as Lorentz, shock waves, pressure by a ...
Too much sweetness bitter for health?
Eating excessive amount of sugar can have negative effects on health. Sweet foods and beverages can lead to weight gain, blood sugar problems, heart disease, ...
Artificial intelligence in healthcare
What do we mean by artificial intelligence? It refers to the programming of machines in such a way that they mimic human functioning i.e. providing ...
Vocal-biomarkers; unfolding the science behind lie-detecting technology
Vocal-biomarkers is a technique that enables machines to understand human emotions by analyzing, recording and detecting raw voice intonations as people ...
Importance of Artificial intelligence and neural network
What Is Artificial intelligence? It is the science and engineering of making machines, especially intelligent, smart and brilliant computer programs. Similarly, ...
More from Healthcare Tech; Food Scanners
Imagine taking out a smart device from your pocket, pointing it towards the food and getting its exact formation and nutritional values. With food, scanner it ...
Role of Tech Companies in improving healthcare
Google, Apple, Macintosh, and IBM all these companies showed much interest in medicine and healthcare. Google has made an advanced step with ...
The Trend of Medical Apps and Websites
Such Mobile apps are developed, and they are improving health. Besides that, the health care providers must approve the app, and it must be user-friendly and ...
When AI meets healthcare; Robots for Autism
AI is helping kids with Autism. Autism is a complex neurobehavioral disorder. It is actually part of Autism Spectrum Disorder, which is characterized by core ...