Apple has quietly launched a new MagSafe accessory, “MagSafe battery pack,” for iPhone 12 series. The newly released battery pack attaches magnetically on the back of the iPhone 12 (mini, Pro, Pro Max) and is now available on Apple’s official website for $99 with a 5-7 business days delivery time. The MagSafe battery pack is also the first accessory that can be charged through reverse wireless charging from all iPhone 12 models.
Previously, Apple had battery cases for iPhones that users had to put on their phones to use the extended battery. This battery pack magnetically sticks behind the iPhone 12 series, thanks to the sturdy magnets built in the iPhone 12 family.
The MagSafe accessories were announced in 2020 at the iPhone 12 series launch, including MagSafe wallet cases that stick with your iPhone 12/12 Mini/12 Pro/ 12 Pro Max. Unfortunately, this battery pack is just 1,460mAh in capacity, which means it won’t fully charge an iPhone. It also charges your phone up to 5W of power, which is slow. However, plugging the battery pack to power while attached to your phone will increase the charging speed to 15W.
Also read: Best iPhone 12 series wallet cases for 2023
An Apple support page mentions that iOS 14.7 or later is required to use the battery pack with iPhone 12 series and will begin charging once you attach your iPhone to this battery pack. In the same document, Apple recommends using a 20W or higher power charger for charging battery packs. You can also use USB-C or USB-C to Lightning cable for charging.
Since it’s the first MagSafe accessory that can be wirelessly charged with the iPhone, let’s hope there are many more in the pipeline.
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