In a virtual event streamed online, Apple has announced its latest flagship smartphone, the iPhone 13. The design is similar to the iPhone 12 with slight changes, including a new camera sensor placement and a smaller notch. Apple has also added new color options for the iPhone 13 and doubled the entry-level storage at 128GB. The flat-edged iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 mini arrives in five new color options: starlight, midnight, blue, pink, and (PRODUCT)RED.
Cinematography is the heart of the iPhone 13 as Apple unveiled new controls for iPhone 13 series making them video-ready for creators. Users can now shoot 4K at 60fps along with rack focus in their videos. In addition, the iPhone will change focus automatically, adding depth effect to videos enabling normal users to do professional filmmaker stuff with their phone. The dual-camera system brings Sensor-shift OIS to non-pro iPhone and a wide-angle camera for better photos. Sensor-shift OIS was previously only in iPhone 12 Pro Max.
iPhone 13 is IP68 water-resistant and is the toughest iPhone ever, thanks to the Ceramic shield front glass cover. But, not just hard outside, iPhone 13 comes with powerful internals, like the A15 Bionic chip for faster processing. Apple claims that the new A15 Bionic chip is 50% and GPU is 30% faster than the competition and that other smartphones are still two years behind Apple’s chipsets. In addition, the new 16-core Neural Engine is capable of 15.8 trillion operations per second, enabling even faster machine learning computations for third-party app experiences, as well as features like Live Text in Camera with iOS 15.
The battery has a big change in iPhone 13. There’s a bigger battery which enables users to get 2.5 hours more time than the predecessor. It is also 5G ready, which means faster internet connections. By the end of 2021, Apple pledges to support 5G in iPhone with over 200 carriers worldwide in 60 countries. So without further ado, here are the quick specs of the iPhone 13.
iPhone 13 and 13 mini Quick Specs:
Display | Super Retina XDR OLED 6.1″ & 5.4″ |
OS | iOS 15 |
Battery | All-day battery (+2.5 hours than iPhone 12 | +1.5 hours than iPhone 12 mini) |
Chipset | A15 Bionic |
Storage | 128GB, 256GB, 512GB |
Connectivity | 5G |
Colors | Pink, Midnight, Blue, Starlight, RED |
Price | $799 (iPhone 13), $699 (iPhone 13 mini) |
The Pro models have almost similar specs, including some pro model exclusive features. Apple is bringing a 120Hz refresh rate to the iPhone with ProMotion to their Super Retina XDR display. It gets even better as the ProMotion display saves battery by only activating it while refreshing the page and staying on standby when the screen is not used.
Speaking of the battery, the redesigned internals allowed the company to add a larger battery in the Pro models. As a result, iPhone 13 Pro will last up to one and a half hours longer in a day than iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 13 Pro Max will last up to two and a half hours longer in a day than iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Both phones are IP68 water-resistant and have the toughest screens in any iPhone. A new ultra-wide camera and a wide-angle camera has been added for better quality. With iPhone 13 Pro, Apple introduces Photographic Styles, which lets you personalize images in the camera app.
iPhone 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max Quick Specs
Display | 6.06 inches (iPhone 13 Pro), 6.68 inches (iPhone 13 Pro Max) 120Hz Super Retina XDR with ProMotion |
OS | iOS 15 |
Battery | All-day battery life |
Chipset | A15 Bionic |
Storage | 128GB, 256GB, 512GB, 1TB |
Connectivity | 5G |
Colors | Graphite, Gold, Silver, Sierra Blue |
Price | Starting $999 |
Apple also unveiled a redesigned iPad mini, a new Apple Watch Series 7, and an updated iPad other than new iPhones.
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